Delving into the depths of the Earth and then emerging to the surface, this exploration draws inspiration from George Sand's lesser-known novel, "Laura: A Journey into the Crystal," which also inspired Jules Verne for his "Journey to the Center of the Earth." The narrative within the exhibition seamlessly blends two dimensions: the vast cosmos and the realm of humanity, as well as two scales: the infinitely large and the infinitely small. To navigate these conceptual spaces and times, Jouin Manku Agency has chosen to manipulate light, color, and materials to enhance fluidity, contrasts, and transparencies.
The depths are represented by dark tones, while telluric convulsions are depicted through warm colors that gradually shift to cooler tones as one ascends to the surface. A series of circular spaces symbolize this dynamic, particularly in the second part of the exhibition. This journey continues seamlessly, transitioning from friezes to windows, showcasing a Paris of inventions and innovations from the Grand Siècle to the present day.